一个镜头到底的广告拍摄方式真的很有趣,这是讲述 Johnnie Walker 的故事的。对比起 Intel 的,它用 walk 来表现的方式更是自然。Yeah, Johnnie Walker, The Man Who Walked Around The World. Keep Walking.
其文案就是整个创意的主角。”What would the farm-born Victorian grocer have thought of all of this? He’d have loved it. A Victorian farm-born grocer he might have been, but he, and the family that followed him, were possessed by a fiery ambition, with the skill and intelligence to match. Two hundred years later, and Johnnie Walker’s still walking. And he’s not showing any signs of stopping.”
对广告导演 Jamie Rafn 的采访,介绍了他们是怎么在一个镜头内完成的,拍摄的地点是在苏格兰的 Loch Doyne 附近。